Replying to
Heather, who said...
Do we want to have Sky this year? I know i do. But if we don't do something really quick then we won't be able to have it. We need to get in gear and get some money. I only have 2 years of Sky left, some only have one so we really need to get this together and do something. We got first place last year, and then in our 11th season we are just not going to do it? Come on guys. We are a family. I miss you guys. We need to do something. We need to raise the money. We need to do fundraisers. Katie and i have come up with a few, but no one seems to want to do them, or respond back to us. We need to do something. We need to do it fast. Please respond back. Let me know if you are going to Ann's. i will bring the fundraising information with me so we can look it over.